《Ah, Miss》是由著名音乐剧作曲家斯蒂芬·桑德海姆(Stephen Sondheim)创作的一首英文歌曲,收录于他的音乐剧《晚樱》(Evening Primrose)中。这部音乐剧于1990年首演,讲述了一位乡村教师在城市中追寻爱情与自我认同的故事。《Ah, Miss》通过细腻的歌词和动人的旋律,展现了主人公内心深处的渴望与挣扎。桑德海姆以其独特的叙事风格和复杂的音乐编排著称,这首歌曲也不例外,深受观众和评论家的好评,成为音乐剧爱好者中的经典之作。
I have sailed the world beheld it's wonders
From the pearls of Spain to the rubies of Tibet
But not even in London
Have I seen such a wonder
Lady look at me, look at me
Miss oh look at me please
Favour me, favour me with your glance
Ah Miss
What do you, what do you see off there in the trees?
Oh won't you give, won't you give me a chance?
Who would sail to Spain for all its wonders
When in Kearney's Lane lies the greatest wonder yet?
Ah Miss look at you, look at you
Pale and ivory skinned
Oh look at you, looking so sad, so queer
Promise not to retreat to the darkness back of your window
Not 'til you, not 'til you look down here
Look at me/ Green finch and Linnet bird
Nightingale, blackbird
Look at me/ Teach me how to sing, if I cannot fly
Look at me/ Let me sing
Alms, alms
For a miserable woman
Beg your pardon, it's you sir
Thank you
Thank you kindly
One moment Mother!
Perhaps you know whose house this is?
There? That's the great Judge Turpin's house that is
And the young lady who resides there?
Oh her? Well that's Johanna, his pretty little ward
Oh but don't you go trespassing there young man
Not if you value your hide
Tamper there and it's a good whipping for ya
Or any other youth with mischief on his mind
Ay-oy sailor boy
Want it snuggly harboured?
Open the gate but dock it straight
I see it lists a starboard