Anson Seabra的温馨单曲《Don't Forget to Breathe》自发布以来深受全球听众喜爱。这首歌以其真挚的歌词和动人的钢琴旋律,探讨了心理健康与自我关怀的重要性。Seabra通过细腻的情感表达,成功触动了众多粉丝的心弦,进一步巩固了他在现代音乐界作为深情词曲创作者的地位。歌曲发布后,迅速在各大音乐平台上获得大量播放量,显示出强劲的市场反响。
I'm still learning to love
Still holding my tongue
Still playing where it's safest
And I'm still trying to be strong
Still stumbling along
To people and to places
That will take me where I need to be
Find out who I'm calling me
Life has only begun
And already I'm
Not sure if I can make it
But it's fine, I'm learning to fly
I'm saying goodbye
To people and to places
That make me less than I can be
Don't care if I'm really me
I am ready to try
This thing we call life
Though I won't do it perfect
And I'm still so terrified
Still so scared to die
But maybe it's all worth it
If I go to where I need to be
Find out who I'm calling me
Fight off all the negatives, the worries and the doubts
And don't forget to breathe