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Tough - Justin McBride


Justin McBride



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You think you're tough with your bass speakers kicking in the back

And your triple X lyrics blaring from your puke green Cadillac

You've got your bling bling on

And your tattoos running up and down your arms

Ah ain't you bad with the seat of your britches hanging down that far

Yeah, I had to break it to you punk

But all that stuff ain't got a thing to do with being tough

Cause tough is your fingers bleeding

It's a hundred degrees and you're gettin up hay

Tough is your old man yelling

Get up out of that bed at the break of day

Keeping on going when you know you've had enough

That's tough

It might seem that I'm comin down a little hard on you

But you think you're a man and you still gotta lot of growin up to do

I bet you talk a big game when you're hangin' with your boys in some pool hall

But I wonder how you'd act if you ever had your back up against the wall

Yeah I'm sure those joints you hang out in get pretty rough

But you've got a lot to learn about being tough

Cause tough is a single mom workin three jobs so her kids can eat

Tough is reading bed time stories when your body's begging you to go to sleep

Given all you've got for what you love

That's tough

See it wasn't very long ago

My little brother was about your age

He joined the Corp and before we knew it they shipped him away

So far away

And tough is a momma cryin' waving goodbye as her baby leaves

Tough is a teenage soldier on the front lines fighting just to keep you free

Prayin for one more day from God above

That's tough

Son that's tough

Pull your britches up!

Take a little pride in yourself

- It's already the end -