I am God all by myself, I don't need any help
I can handle things on my own
I am the first and the last, whatever you need just ask
For I am, I am, I am God
I was there in the beginning
And I'll be there when you get to the end
I'm all seeing, all knowing, almighty, ever showing
For I am, I am, I am God
I was there in the beginning yeah
And I'll be there when you get to the end
I'm all seeing, all knowing, almighty, ever showing
For I am, I am, for I am, I am, I am
For I am, I am, I am, I am, I am God
All my promises are yeah, I am God
All my promises are yeah, I am God
I am the first, the last, whatever you need just ask
For I am, I am, I am, I am, I am, I am
I am, I am, Jehova Jireh, your provider, Jehova Nissi
I'll fight your battles, Jehova Shalom, I give you peace
Jehova Rohi, I'll hear thee (Just stand still and know that I am)
No mountains too high, and no valley's too low
No river too wide, wherever you go (Just stand still and know that I am)
The God of Jacob, the God of Isaac, the God of shepards
(Just stand still and know that I am)
I'm glad I am, whatever you want, I got what you need
I am, I am, I am, I am, I am, I am
I am, I am, I am, I am