background cover of music playing
Ashen Mesh - Full Of Hell

Ashen Mesh

Full Of Hell



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Digesting what's left!!

Shrieking through an ashen mesh!!!!

Carving at what is!!

Peeling back a festering scab!!!!

Displacing cosmic purpose!!

Dirty needles in the vein!!!!

Generations the same!!

Climbing and falling at her feet!!!!

Eating what's been taken.

Feasting at her table!!

Tongues gone on unchecked.

Voices felt unbridled!!

Existence lined with ease. All taken for granted!!

Carrion dogs sifting.

Through the smoldering rubble!!

The Earth shrugs off the corpse of our species!!

The forest vomits our remains into the dust!!

Machines collapse onto charred burning limbs!!

Shafts of steel thrust us towards the vault!!

The cell rejects the intruding pathogen!!

The bliss of extinction and nothing more!!

The planet sings sweetly of empty chambers!!

Of a future without the threat of species!!

Earth shrugs off the corpse of our species!!!!

The forest vomits our remains into the dust!!!!

The cell rejects the intruding pathogen!!!!

The planet singing sweetly of death!!!!!!!

- It's already the end -