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Splinters And Stones - Hillsong UNITED

Splinters And Stones

Hillsong UNITED



Song Introduction

"Splinters And Stones" 是Hillsong UNITED最新发布的一首感人肺腑的当代敬拜歌曲。该曲融合了深情的歌词与动人的旋律,传达出通过信仰克服个人挑战、寻找内心力量的主题。自发布以来,这首歌曲在全球范围内引起了广泛共鸣,成为许多敬拜会和个人灵修中的常用曲目。Hillsong UNITED凭借其富有感染力和深刻意义的音乐,继续在全球基督教社区中产生深远影响。

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Holds nothing on the providence I know

No longer bound to things of wood and stone

When all I had to offer was my worst

You saw my heavy heart and loved me first

Your beauty staring down my brokenness

You chose to throw Your heart into the mess

Compassion crashing down upon my debt

You were there

All this time

Like a river running through my failure

You carried me all this time

Like the splinters buried in Your shoulders

You carry me now


If ever now my heart cries hallelujah

If ever now in the wonder of Your grace

A thousand times, a thousand years my soul

Will say


You saw the crushing weight my flesh deserved

You kneeled and wrote forgiveness in the dirt

And one by one, the stones fell where they lay

As one by one my accusers walked away

With nothing left to throw, they made a cross

And knowing only love could count the cost

You were there

All this time

Like a river running through my failure

You carried me all this time

Like the splinters buried in Your shoulders

Your love carried all my shame

Jesus, how my soul will praise You

You carried me all this way

Like a diamond in the scars upon Your crown

You carry me now


If ever now my heart cries hallelujah

If ever now in the wonder of Your grace

A thousand times, a thousand years my soul

Will say


Forever now in the greatness of my Savior

Forever now in the brightness of Your name

Jesus, on this rock I'll sing Your praise


If ever now my heart cries hallelujah

If ever now in the wonder of Your grace

A thousand times, a thousand years my soul

Will say


Forever now in the greatness of my Savior

Forever now in the brightness of Your name

Jesus, on this rock I'll sing Your praise

- It's already the end -