"Prince Ali (Jafar Reprise)" 是迪士尼动画电影《阿拉丁》中经典歌曲《Prince Ali》的再演绎版,由乔纳森·弗里曼(Jonathan Freeman)演唱,他在片中为反派角色宰非(Jafar)配音。这首重奏版通过宰非的视角重新诠释了“阿拉丁国王”形象,展示了他对权力和统治的渴望。歌曲保留了原作的欢快节奏和丰富编曲,同时融入了更多阴谋和野心的元素,深入刻画了宰非复杂的性格和动机,为观众提供了对这一经典反派角色的更深理解。
Prince Ali
Yes, it is he
But not as you know him
Read my lips
And come to grips
With reality
Yes, meet a blast from your past
Whose lies were too good to last
Say hello to your precious Prince Ali!
So Ali
Turns out to be
Merely Aladdin
Just a con
Need I go on?
Take it from me
His personality flaws
Give me adequate cause
To send him packing on a one-way trip
So his prospects take a terminal dip
His assets frozen, the venue's chosen
It's the ends of the earth! Whoopee!
So long, ex-Prince Ali!