《Big Fish》是美国独立音乐人Alex G(本名亚历山大·戈德斯坦)创作的一首歌曲,收录在其2022年发行的专辑《Spoiler》中。这首作品延续了Alex G一贯的朴实无华和实验性的音乐风格,通过细腻的歌词和丰富的旋律,探讨了人际关系和个人成长的主题。《Big Fish》不仅展现了他在音乐制作上的成熟,也进一步巩固了他在独立音乐界的地位,赢得了众多听众的喜爱和业内的认可。
If I could say I would say
If I could walk away
If I could talk I would talk
I'd walk around the block
Look at the way he walks in
Look how he tucks his shirt in
Let me behave in my way
Don't ask me questions pa
You know I'm a big old fish now
Don't ask me questions pa
You know I'm a big old fish now
You know I'm a big old fish now
You know I'm a big old fish now
You know I'm a big old fish now
Go get your rod
Get my rod
Let's cast em off the dock
I caught a big fat monkey
Look at him squirming and jumping
Kill it in time to prepare
Pull out the bones and hair
Now comes my favorite part
Bubbling in the pot
Bubbling in the pot