《Ain't Worth the Whiskey》是由美国乡村音乐歌手科尔·斯温戴尔(Cole Swindell)演唱的一首动感十足的歌曲。该曲融合了欢快的旋律和节奏,表达了在面对生活中的挑战和压力时,通过畅饮威士忌来释放情绪、寻求片刻宁静的心情。歌曲受到了广大听众的喜爱,成为科尔·斯温戴尔音乐作品中的热门单曲之一。
I don't care that you done me wrong
'Cause I've already moved on
I don't care what his name is
Girl, it is what it is
I won't waste a dime or the bartender's time
Tryna catch a buzz, over the thought of us
But I'll drink to a country song
To another long work week gone
And I'll raise my glass to a long lost buddy I ain't seen
I might stay for one more round
Or I might close this place down
But don't think for a second I'm out to drown your memory
Baby, you ain't worth the whiskey
It don't matter what your friends say
They never liked me anyway
So if they see me drunk in this bar
It ain't over a broken heart
'Cause I'm drinkin' to a country song
To another long work week gone
And I'm raisin' my glass to a long lost buddy I ain't seen
I might stay for one more round
Or I might close this place down
But don't think for a second I'm out to drown your memory
Baby, you ain't worth the whiskey
Cheers to a good country song
To another long work week gone
And yeah, I'm raisin' my glass to those savin' our ass overseas
I might stay for one more round
Hell, I might close this place down
But don't think for a second I'm out to drown your memory
No, don't think for one second I'm out to drown your memory
Girl, you ain't worth the whiskey
Baby, you ain't worth the whiskey