Joshua Henry, renowned Broadway star, delivers a heartfelt rendition of "If I Loved You," originally from Rodgers and Hammerstein's classic musical *Carousel*. His powerful vocals and emotional depth bring a fresh perspective to this timeless love song, captivating audiences with every note. Henry's interpretation showcases his exceptional talent and dedication to musical theater, making this performance a standout for fans and newcomers alike. Don’t miss his moving portrayal that breathes new life into this beloved piece.
Say, tell me somethin'
Ain't ya scared of me?
I ain't scared
Hey your name, Julie, Julie somethin'
Julie Jordan
You're a queer one, Julie Jordan
Ain't ya sorry that you didn't run away?
You can still go if you wanna
I reckon that I care to choose to stay
You couldn't take my money if I didn't have any
And I don't have a penny, that's true
And if I did have money, you couldn't take any
'Cause you'd ask and I'd give it to you
You're a queer one, Julie Jordan
Ain't ya ever had a fella you give money to?
Ain't ya ever had a fella at all?
Well ya must've had a fella you went walkin' with
Where'd you walk?
Nowhere special I recall
In the woods (No)
On the beach (No)
Did you love him
No, never loved no one, I told you that
I'm never gonna marry, if I was gonna marry
I wouldn't have to be such a stickler
But I'm never gonna marry, and a girl who don't marry's got to be much more particular
Suppose I was to say to you that I'd marry you
You wouldn't marry anyone like me, would you?
Yes I would, if I loved you
It wouldn't make any difference what you-
Even if I died for it
How do you know what you'd do if you loved me
How you'd feel or anything?
I don't know how I know
Tis the same, I know how I, how it'd be if I loved you
When I worked in the mill, weaving at the loof
I'd gaze absentminded at the roof
And half the time the shuttle would tangle in the threads
And the walk would get mixed with the woof
If I loved you
But you don't
No I don't
But somehow I can see
Just exactly how I'd be
If I loved you
Time and again I would try to say
All I'd want you to know
If I loved you
Words wouldn't come in an easy way
'Round in circles I'd go
Longing to tell you but afraid and shy
I'd let my golden chances pass me by
Soon you'd leave me
Off you would go in the mist of day
Never, never to know
How I loved you
If I loved you
I can smell 'em, can you?
The blossoms, their wind brings them down
Ain't much wind tonight
Hardly any
You can't hear a sound, not the turn of a leaf
Nor the fall of a wave hitting the sand
The tides creeping up on the beach like a thief
Afraid to be caught stealing the land
On a night like this, I start to wonder
What life is all about
And I always say two heads are better than one to figure it out
I don't need you or anyone to help me
I've got to figure it out for myself
We ain't important, what are we?
A couple of specks of nothing
Look up there
There's a hell of a lot of stars in the sky
And the sky's so big, the sea looks small
And two little people, you and I
We don't count at all
You're different alright, don't know what it is
You look up at me with that little kid face like you
Like you trusted me
I wonder what it'd be like
Nothing, I know what it'd be like
It'll be awful, I can just see myself
Kinda scrawny and frail and picking at my food
And lovesick like any other guy
I'd throw away my sweater and dress up like a dude
In a Dickey and a collar and a tie
If I loved you
But you don't
No, I don't
But somehow I can see
Just exactly how I'd be
If I loved you
Time and again I would try to say
All I'd want you to know
If I loved you
Words wouldn't come in an easy way
'Round in circles I'd go
Longing to tell you but afraid and shy
I'd let my golden chances pass me by
Soon you'd leave me
Off you would go in the mist of day
Never, never to know
How I loved you
If I loved you
I'm not a fella to marry anybody
Even if a girl was foolish enough to want me to
I wouldn't
Don't worry about it, Billy
Who's worried?
You're right, about there being no wind
Blossoms are just coming down by themselves
Just their time to, I reckon