background cover of music playing
You & I - Mike Williams

You & I

Mike Williams



Song Introduction

Mike Williams 发布了最新单曲《You & I》,这是一首充满活力的电子舞曲,融合了朗朗上口的旋律和动感十足的节拍。歌曲展示了他标志性的制作风格,采用了振奋人心的合成器和富有冲击力的drop,必将在舞池中掀起热潮。《You & I》已获得粉丝的积极反馈,并有望在多个即将举办的音乐节中亮相。敬请关注 Mike Williams 的后续动态,期待他在电子音乐领域继续掀起波澜。

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You held me like your heartbeat

Each word like a snowflake

I yearn for the distance to slowly fade away

We are young, this is right

We were meant, you and I

We are once in a lifetime

And if fairy deserts me tonight

It's you and I

If fairy deserts me tonight

It's you and I

It's you and I

It's you and I

You frame me like a picture

A moment in forever

Slow rolling underwater

But nothing needs to change

We are young, this is right

We were meant, you and I

We are once in a lifetime

And if fairy deserts me tonight

It's you and I

If fairy deserts me tonight

It's you and I

It's you and I

It's you and I

If fairy deserts me tonight

It's you and I

- It's already the end -