background cover of music playing
Dreamer in Disguise - Derek Klena

Dreamer in Disguise

Derek Klena



Song Introduction

《Dreamer in Disguise》是由德里克·克莱纳(Derek Klena)演唱的一首动人歌曲。德里克·克莱纳以其在音乐剧领域的出色表现而闻名,这首歌曲展示了他深情的嗓音和出色的表演技巧。歌曲通过细腻的歌词和优美的旋律,传达了梦想与现实之间的挣扎与希望,深受听众的喜爱。无论是在现场演出还是录音版本中,克莱纳都通过这首歌展现了他独特的艺术魅力和感染力。

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An eagle's just another bird

Until he can spread his wings.

A river is just a sheet of ice

'Til winter turns to spring

And though the clouds may block the sun,

Don't mean that it's left the sky.

Just when you think you've seen it all,

There's more than meets the eye.

Like things I dream, and things I feel,

There's more to me than I reveal

And 'cause I shine in quiet ways,

I'm someone you don't recognize;

I'm a diamond in the rough...

A dreamer in disguise.

An eagle's just another bird

Until he can spread his wings.

- It's already the end -